Like many others, we are closely monitoring COVID-19 and its impact on our community. At this time, the entire Dr. Dabber team is working from home. We are fortunate enough that as an e-commerce business, we are able to operate from home with minimal impact and continue to interact with our customers. Additionally, we fulfill all online orders through a 3PL (remote warehouse) which is dedicated to safety and security standards. We are working hard to ensure each and every one of you are receiving your orders in a timely manner.
Our customer service team is still available via phone and email if you have any questions. Our business hours will not be affected, but due to our remote protocol, we may experience some technical hiccups. We assure you our team is working diligently to get through all emails and phone calls at this time to get back to you as soon as possible, and your patience is greatly appreciated.
Being that Dr. Dabber is located in Las Vegas, NV, we were strongly advised to stay indoors for the next 30 days after Governor Sisolak’s announcement came last week. We made the decision to self-quarantine prior to this notice, as we understand the threat COVID-19 poses and are taking this seriously. We understand that the sooner we self-quarantine and confirm our staff is healthy and well, the more impact we can make in guaranteeing the safety of others in our community.
Our team is working tirelessly to ensure we have inventory readily available to our customers as we understand some of you may need these products now, more than ever.
We recommend everyone practice safe methods at this time. Make sure you’re wiping down mouthpieces and all vaporizing devices with isopropyl alcohol. We recommend using products like our Iso-Snaps for easy and efficient cleaning at this time. Each Iso-Snap has cotton swabs with isopropyl alcohol loaded into the shaft. With a snap of the top cotton swab, the isopropyl alcohol is released from the shaft down into the bottom cotton swab head. Simply wipe the surface area clean and you’re good to go.
Additionally, It is crucial that people are not sharing devices or cartridges with others at this time. If you do choose to share, we advise using separate cartridges, glass attachments, silicone mouthpieces, etc. to minimize risk. Thankfully, there are tons of detachable silicone or rubber mouthpieces on the market. The easiest suggestion is, of course, washing your hands.
If you’re stuck at home practicing social distancing, like us, and need some ideas to pass the time, we have a few things in mind for you!
- Check out our blog - we post new content regularly about product launches, artist collabs, industry news, and more! You might even learn a thing or two.
- We also suggest checking out some of our tutorials about your favorite Dr. Dabber product on our Youtube channel. On the fence about buying one of our products? Check out some reviews online. Just received your SWITCH? Watch some of our “Tips & Tricks” videos to learn more about finding your perfect temperature or self-cleaning mode.
- Do some research on the kinds of terpenes you like. What flavors are you looking for and what kind of effects would you like to experience? Once you have that figured out, head to our CBD product pages and see if any of those match up with what you’re looking for. Each CBD product page has a Certificate of Analysis hyperlinked to it, so you can see batch-specific lab results for each blend including the terpenes that were involved in the development of each one.
- For all our SWITCH owners, play around with some of the lower heat settings to help conserve product. Now, more than ever, people are interested in conserving their concentrate and flower. Drop the temperature down to below 500 degrees Fahrenheit (purple and dark blue LED range) to stretch your cannabis product in the SWITCH.
Our team is here to help! Don’t hesitate to call or email us with any questions you may have. Let’s protect and care for one another. We will get through this together.